A recent article I read, “How Many Photos Will be Taken in 2022?”, By Susan Enfield discussed our obsession with taking pictures and the trajectory of how those pictures are taken, stored, and what it means. Everyone that has a smartphone knows that its primary function is to take pictures. At least that’s been my experience. The problem is, people take tons of pictures, with higher resolutions and therefore larger file sizes, and never take them off their smartphones. Sure, some people use some form of cloud service to back them up, but even that’s a small minority of the overall population. In reality, the images typically sit on the phone until someone either deletes them or you buy a phone with more memory and transfer the images there. Most of those people would love to have an easy hassle free method to transfer those images to keep them safe outside their phones, but aren’t aware of a method how.
Well, Vinpower has the answer. The iXflash Cube is the simple way to backup all the photos and videos from an iPhone or iPad without pushing a single button. The iXflash Cube connects to an iPhone/iPad’s existing charging cube and cable and from there, after downloading the iXflash Cube App and the initial setup, every time you connect your iPhone or iPad to that charger, the iXflash Cube will automatically begin the backup process. All the images stored on that iPhone will be backed up onto the drive in its original state with its existing file name, format, date stamp, location, etc. Additionally, the iXflash Cube can also backup the images and videos stored in your iCloud for additional protection.
INot sure you need the iXflash Cube, here are some interesting anticipated stats for 2022 from the above mentioned article:
• More than 90% of all pictures/videos taken will be through a smartphone
• Nearly 9 trillion unique digital photos will be taken
• That equates to about 188 pictures per year for every man, woman, and child in the world
Those numbers are sobering, but I know I take probably 188 pictures a month. That’s why I’m glad I have an iXflash Cube to backup and store those images on an external hard drive for safe keeping. Plus, I don’t have to pay monthly fees or contribute to global warming keeping my images on a server farm that uses huge magnitudes of electricity. So if you want to save money and the planet, and you take a fair amount of pictures or videos with an iPhone or iPad, the iXflash Cube is the perfect solution for you too.
To learn more about this item, or any of Vinpower’s line of products, visit www.vinpowerdigital.comor speak with a Vinpower representative in your area.
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